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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Learning Technology as a Teacher

In Karl Fisch's post, "Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?" he goes in to great detail about encouraging teachers to become technologically literate. I felt this post was very enlightening. Teachers are going to be forced to find other jobs if they do not learn how to use computers and new technology. If teachers do not learn this and aren't prepared to teach it, then our students will be the ones suffering.
I think it is a great idea to encourage teachers to attend classes on new technology and software. Headteachers and Principles could make these classes a requirement for high school teachers and staff. As teachers and adults we can't talk negatively about our students who are technologically illiterate. It is the fault of their past teachers who were illiterate and did not teach them. In closing I agree with Fisch, "In order to teach it, we have to do it. How can we teach this to kids, how can we model it, if we aren’t literate ourselves?" This is so true and should posted in school hallways for all teachers to see!!


  1. I really like your closing comment! What a great idea to post a sign reminding teachers to become tech literate! That could actually work. Many teachers have tech training but do not put it into practice. This would be a great reminder to them.

  2. Good idea. I'll see what we can do about it at South!

    In the future, please combine all responses for your assignments into ONE post. It saves at least 5 minutes per student which means about 2 hours per class!
