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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mr. Winkle

Mr. Winkle woke from a one hundred year slumber to find the world very different. He walked to a very tall building where he found many strange noises and machines. The noises were very loud. He did not understand how people were talking to one another on computers and telephones. He was very confused and this was making him feel sick. He found a hospital where he thought he would get cared for, but the x-ray machines and other appliances were making him feel worse. He left not knowing where to go. He walked and walked until he found a school. This was very familiar to him. Everything was the same, although there was a computer in the back that wasn't being used. All the children were sitting in rows and taking notes just like he had remembered. He was happy that some things never change.

I really enjoyed the story because it is true, that some things never change. Throughout time it seems as though the good things never change. The things that need to be put in a persons life the most will always be there. School and family are two good examples. School will always be somewhat the same. Students are there to learn and grow together. Family will always be there to teach and help an individual grow and understand life and who they want to become. So I really like the last line of this movie. That some things never change.


  1. Do you think education should look exactly the same a hundred years from now?

  2. No. I believe some things should stay the same, but as far as technology goes, we should be open to learning and teaching new material to our students. :)

  3. You may have missed the point of the movie if you saw students sitting in rows and being bored by their teacher as a good thing.
